Created by Mickey Fisher, Reverie is NBC’s new thriller about a former hostage negotiator who must save ordinary people lost in a virtual reality program. The series premieres May 30 at 10/9c.
Tales of Wedding Rings VR is an interactive manga experience developed by Square Enix.
Go behind the scenes with Insomniac Games as they work on their upcoming game, Reclaim Your World.
Bhaptics was at VRLA 2018 demoing their VR-ready haptics suit and VIVE tracker integration that allows users to get a tactile full body experience when using the HTC Vive.
Pinball FX2 VR: Universal Classics Pinball includes E.T., Jaws, and the Back to the Future tables. Developed by Zen Studios.
Along Together is a puzzle-platformer developed by Turbo Button.
Created by Mickey Fisher, Reverie is NBC’s new thriller about a former hostage negotiator who must save ordinary people lost in a virtual reality program. The series premieres May 30 at 10/9c.
At this year’s Game Developers Conference, HTC Vive and Intel proudly showed off the “Nuc 8,” the smallest VR-ready machine.
The folks at HTC Vive paid a visit to VRLA 2018 where their partners demoed all sorts of awesome VR software.