playstation vr
Video: Moonshot Galaxy (PlayStation VR)
Moonshot Galaxy is a golf game in space developed by Liftoff Labs. Also available for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.
Video: The Chainsmokers Paris.VR (PlayStation VR)
The Chainsmokers’ Paris.VR music experience is now available for PlayStation VR.
Video: Farpoint – Story Trailer (PlayStation VR)
Farpoint is a first-person shooter developed by Impulse Gear.
Video: Symphony of the Machine (Rift, Vive, PS VR)
Symphony of the Machine is a puzzle game developed by Stirfire Studios.
Video: The Invisible Hours (Rift, Vive, PS VR)
The Invisible Hours is a murder mystery game developed by Tequila Works.
Video: Ghostbusters VR: Now Hiring (PlayStation VR)
Ghostbusters VR: Now Hiring is a VR experience developed by CreateVR that allows you to explore the Ghosbusters’ firehouse.